Terms of Service

[inference labs]

Inference Labs drives the development of various leading-edge initiatives in artificial intelligence, Web3 and the blockchain. These are its Terms of Service (the “Terms”).

1. Agreement to Terms

These Terms refer to Inference Labs as “the Service”, “we”, “us”, and “our”. The terms “you” and “user” pertain to individuals who use the Service, including those acting on behalf of others. The terms “user content” refers to any materials that are shared, displayed or submitted by users of the Service, such as images, data, transaction records and feedback.

By accessing and using the Service, you acknowledge and agree to comply with these Terms and all relevant and applicable legislation. Your acceptance of these Terms also implies your agreement to our separate Privacy Policy. You confirm that you possess the authority to agree to these Terms on behalf of any entity for whom you use the Service.

Inference Labs reserves the right to limit or withdraw user access for violation of these Terms.

2. Assumption of risk

By accessing and using Inference Labs, you acknowledge and accept any associated risks and assume full responsibility. In using the Service, you understand and agree to the following:

Inference Labs is not responsible for disputes between users and third parties.

You are responsible for determining and paying any applicable taxes related to your use of the Service.

You are solely accountable for all interactions and transactions within the Service and on the blockchain.

3. Limitation of liability

Inference Labs does not provide any guarantees regarding the security or the uninterrupted availability of the Service, nor do we warrant the reliability, accuracy, currency or completeness of the information provided via the Service. Inference Labs shall not be held liable for any damages associated with the use of the Service.

4. Intellectual property and user content

Inference Labs owns the rights to all intellectual property used by and created for us. You retain the rights to content you share with, display on, or submit to Inference Labs. Inference Labs reserves the international, non-exclusive right to display and modify user content for the purposes of service improvement or promotion, but does not claim ownership of user content.

5. Eligibility

In using the Service, you must comply with all applicable laws and regulations within your jurisdiction. You must be the age of majority in your jurisdiction or use the Service under the supervision of a legal guardian. Your use of the Service must not involve any illegal activity or prohibited behaviour.

6. Prohibited behaviour

You acknowledge that Inference Labs has zero tolerance for and therefore prohibits any behaviour that has the potential to damage the Service or users of the Service, including but not limited to the exposure of personal information, promotion or distribution of illegal or harmful content, and infringement of intellectual property rights. Inference Labs will handle any illegal activity in full cooperation with applicable legislation.

7. Modification to Terms

Inference Labs has the right to modify these Terms at any time, solely at our discretion and without prior notice.

8. Contact

Please address inquiries regarding these Terms to us directly at privacy@inferencelabs.com

Last updated